Communication is key

Web and app development is a complicated process that can present various challenges. To solve these challenges we’re working on something exciting. Our Agency platform is nearly ready to be released to our clients and is designed to mitigate the frustrations that you might have experienced during digital projects.

One of the most common challenges is unclear or misunderstood communication between all the various teams and components that form a digital project. This can lead to a project being delivered late, or not meeting expectations to name a few.

Agency, our unique AI driven platform, has been designed from the ground up to make sure all the project requirements are captured using our years of experience and by following a step by step process, resulting in a detailed and easy to follow scope.

Over the years we have found a vague scope can lead to various projects issues. This may seem obvious but as ideas flow, excitement takes over and everyone is keen to get started - misunderstanding requirements can lead to scope creep because the original requirements weren’t clearly captured. This can result in extended delivery times and costs what was originally agreed, leading to additional work and cost.

By following a few of our golden rules, Agency is going to seamlessly facilitate clear communication and documentation from the very beginning of your project and we can’t wait to show you.